Tuesday, September 4, 2007

blog happy

I can see that P.C.O. has a new toy. It's not like I spent a lot of time on the computer (ok I do) now I have 4 or 5 places to check now!


P.C. Obsessed said...

I suggest you sign up for a free "RSS reader" like http://www.netvibes.com/ where you can keep track of updates for all the pages that you like to view on a single page. Will make things easier, no more click on several pages to see if there is something new - RSS readings list recent updates for you.

Nate S said...

Here I am in PA learning all about the CH-47D. Almost as big as the CH-53E I worked on in the Marines. The nice part is that I am down here with a couple of guy's from my unit. We have been having a lot of fun along with all the other soldiers rom across the US learning about the chopper. Just 3 more weeks to go and I see you all at home

larscarlson said...

Hey Nate! An update on the weekend hunt:
Pheasants: 8
Humans: 0

We couldn't hit anything! ;)

See you in a few weeks.